Dear CIF Friends,
The year 2017 has marked an important achievement to us: 30 years of existence and activities! It was our intention to make it a special moment and an opportunity to reminisce all that we have shared, see ourselves as we are today and think about the future, but we did not want to interfere in any way with the wonderful Conference in Greece.
Thus,wedecidedtopostponetheeventtoSeptember2018and organizealongweek-endin Sassone-Rome (same location of our Conference in 2001) from Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 in the month of September 2018, where we hope to celebrate our 30 years ( actually 31)of existence.
In line with the newly introduced CIF 2028 strategic planning idea, we hope to discuss and analyse with everyone interested, in particular the Branches that have conducted a Peace Project , all those who have joined us in the venture as The Parents Circle-Families Forum (PCFF, The Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, our past participants and anybody else who would like to explore the possibility of becoming part of the experience, what has been achieved and, thinking out of the box, what still awaits us in this modest but fulfilling commitment called the CIF Peace Project started in 2011!
We are therefore happy and hopeful to be able to share this life-moment with you… so arrivederci in Sassone-Rome!
Domenico Antonio (Mimmo) Merola President of CIF Italia